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4 Ways Managed IT Saves You Big Money

By Scott McDonald

It may not be readily apparent, but managed IT is one of the best ways to save big bucks in your business. A recent CompTIA survey shows that 96% of the 400 companies polled stated that managed services reduce their annual costs by at least 25%.  This is major savings – especially during uncertain times.

A better bottom line is something we all want – let’s take a look at how managed IT can make it happen for your business.

1. Your IT Becomes an Operational Expenditure

Budgeting is easier when surprise capital expenditures are replaced by capital expenditures. When you handle your IT in-house you won’t always know when you’ll be hit with a server that needs replacing, or a large bill for IT maintenance and repairs when something goes wrong. These unforeseeable expenses can negatively impact your bottom line year after year.

With managed IT, however, you know what you’re paying for upfront and can budget accordingly. Managed IT services are also scalable, meaning that you only pay for what you use. In addition, you will receive the benefit of a team of engineers and help desk support staff who are well-acquainted with your system. This team is ready to serve you at-will when things go wrong – all included in your package price.

2. Your Focus Can Stay on Your Business Goals

When your company’s ability to operate relies on your IT infrastructure, it becomes priority number one to ensure that it has no problems, or that problems are resolved as fast as possible. This means that you or a staff member have to place IT ahead of other business needs whenever there’s an issue. This can cost you valuable productivity time, which translates into lost revenue potential.

However, when you outsource your IT to your cloud provider, you get the benefit of a team that knows your system inside and out and can troubleshoot for you 24/7 – without an additional fee. This cost-effective service helps you stay focused on your business goals, which allows you to grow faster, and with greater efficiency than if you were constantly having to deal with an in-house IT issue.

3. You Experience Better Productivity Through Zero Downtime

When a server goes down in your office, you may lose an entire day’s productivity, but with managed IT services and cloud computing you often won’t even know there’s an issue. Managed IT providers ensure that you experience uninterrupted business continuity on the front end, while we take care of any virtual server issues on the back end.

Through continuous monitoring, performance checks, and regular updates, managed IT providers are able to prevent downtime, which saves you precious payroll dollars, as well as revenue loss from missed business opportunities.

4. You Experience Less Need for Maintenance and Repairs

When you manage all your IT on your own, you will undoubtedly run into an issue that you or your team can’t fix – at least not without losing time. When you’re busy running a business, you can’t afford for your IT to fail. However, this happens regularly to small or medium-sized companies who try to handle their IT on their own.

When you run on this break-fix IT model, you are forever on an expensive roller coaster of buy and replace. However, when you work with a managed service provider, you get off the roller coaster and walk the straight path of freedom. No longer do you have to waste endless dollars fixing hardware or IT maintenance issues – your managed IT provider often fixes them before they even become an problem at all.

Lower Your IT Costs with Infinitely Virtual’s Managed Services

Better IT doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Our Managed IT services were designed with your budget in mind. We have tailored packages available to suit your company’s specific needs. Call Infinitely Virtual today at 1.866.257.8455 to learn more about our cost-effective Managed IT services.