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Cloud 101 for Real Estate Brokerages: Words to Live By

Adam Stern | CRETECH

In my view, the IT vendor’s proper role is to showcase the powerful economic rationale for those in the real estate field to get out of the practice of buying/maintaining hardware that is obsolete practically before the paint is dry. And then to set an example, through grounded, customer-centric initiatives designed to simplify the cloud for these organizations – things like “on-boarding” services, aimed at eliminating the fear factor from the cloud migration process.

The cloud may be easier and more affordable than advertised but it isn’t free.  Still, compute horsepower is finally a virtual – or, perhaps more appropriately, a virtualization — bargain. It’s entirely possible for a real estate broker to spend $10K a month and tap enough compute power to drive a 1,000-user organization. That’s less than the cost of hiring a single engineer (even if it may sound like overkill).

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