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Cloud Hosting 101

As a group, small businesses tend to be wired for DIY. Self-reliance runs deep, which is why many small to midsize businesses (SMBs) still manage their own servers. That said, the times, they are a-changin’ and, increasingly, SMBs are looking to move to the cloud. While some small businesses are likely to continue buying hardware, look for the pace of cloud migration to accelerate as more and more business applications become cloud-ready.

What’s behind the decision to remain with an in-house solution or embrace cloud server hosting? An organization reaches that fork in the road because it has pushed its servers to the end of their useful lives and now need to do something about it.

They’ve heard the benefits of cloud server hosting: flexibility, cost savings and access to data for employees wherever they are. They might have heard that SMBs who adopt cloud technologies enjoy higher revenues. They’ve may have even read that some SMBs are losing money as a result of ineffective IT management, and that they could avoid that fate by using a cloud server.

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