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From ERP to Education: Infinitely Virtual Blazes Some New Trails, Reaching Out to Support Cloud Migration

This spring, we at Infinitely Virtual have been spreading our wings a bit, extending our reach to include cloud-based solutions for manufacturers and educational institutions.

In a partnership that immediately places Infinitely Virtual front and center in the manufacturing sector, we’re delighted to announce that we have aligned with BASIS International Ltd. to launch InfiniteERP™, a new cloud-based enterprise resource planning suite tailored to manufacturing applications.

BASIS International’s Barista®, a powerful application framework, enables developers to build a GUI application quickly by simply defining the data and its interrelationships. AddonSoftware® by Barista is a blend of a proven, long-standing ERP solution and a high-performance update. AddonSoftware offers a wealth of out-of-the-box features that are easily customizable to suit specific business needs while preserving all customizations through the upgrade cycle. InfiniteERP — which includes Addon’s Manufacturing Module, Accounting Module and Distribution Module — starts at $299 per month.

We’re looking forward to participating in the BASIS community, which consists of a worldwide network of partners for whom BASIS products form the foundation for proven and reliable software solutions, like InfiniteERP. BASIS is a global software company — big and stable enough to be a reliable partner, yet small and flexible enough to deliver customized solutions to meet today’s business challenges.

For manufacturers migrating to the cloud, InfiniteERP is the new platform of choice. Manufacturers seeking the simplest way to implement an Enterprise ERP Solution can now look to our InfiniteERP Cloud plan — we install, manage, update, protect and support ERP software for a simple per-user fee. For those looking for a complete cloud solution, our InfiniteERP Dedicated plans enable organizations to host all of their applications in one place while fighting cloud sprawl.

Our expansion doesn’t stop with the manufacturing sector. With the focus on students and the academic institutions they attend, we’ve just unveiled our first hosting plan aimed at the education sector. Whether the goal is earning a degree, continuing education or any step along the way, it’s vital to stay on budget. That’s why Infinitely Virtual is now offering access to cloud hosting at reduced cost for educational institutions and their students worldwide.

Our “Virtual Terminal Server – Standard” Plan is the first of what will eventually be four academic market offerings from Infinitely Virtual. Under the plan, users can access applications and data from anywhere in the world – an ideal solution for those who need to tap into centralized resources from home, campus or another remote location. The Virtual Terminal Server Plan supports most Windows applications. Pricing starts at $665 per user/month.

Server virtualization and applications hosting in the cloud can dramatically increase productivity via enterprise-grade compute power and global mobility, at the very same time it reduces costs, thanks to our Infinitely Scalable servers. That’s a message we trust will resonate with the education market.

Have you got a story to tell about your experience with Infinitely Virtual products and services? We’d love to hear from you.