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Hosting QuickBooks: It All Adds Up For Manufacturers — And Their Accounting Firms

QuickBooks cloud hosting provides accountants and finance professionals with anytime access to their hosted QuickBooks Pro, Premier or Enterprise. With QuickBooks securely managed in the cloud, accounting online can be done from any Internet-connected device regardless of location. Rather than restricting access to a home or office computer, or taking a laptop on the road to visit clients, accountants can access QuickBooks software and data from any location using secure QuickBooks cloud hosting.

Whether accounting software remains within your CPA’s domain or finds its way into in-house accounting and bookkeeping operations for your manufacturing firm — or some blend of both — this is a signal development. It’s on par with the very helpful changes occurring within the ERP space. Indeed, now that enterprise ERP solutions can live and prosper in the cloud — and that cloud service providers can install, manage, update, protect and support ERP software for a low monthly fee — the question has shifted from “to migrate or not to migrate?” to “which cloud environment suits us best?”

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