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How to get an Enterprise Cloud Infrastructure When You’re NOT an Enterprise

By Scott McDonald

What makes Infinitely Virtual unique is how we onboard new clients into our enterprise grade platform when they don’t have an enterprise grade IT internal resource to support the process.

We know that you know your business but perhaps not IT.

Our approach is to make it a painless process that starts with learning more about you and at the end of it all a solution falls out. Here’s how we do it…


The first time you speak with one of our sales representatives you might be surprised to find that they’re, well, not selling anything. Instead, we want to get to know your business better when we meet you on our Discovery Call. What’s your story? What do you need? What’s not working? What answers don’t you have? You know your business, but we know IT. By talking over your current situation we’ll be able to tease out what sort of solutions are a fit for your specific needs.

Your Major Takeaway from the Discovery Call
You get answers. We don’t expect that you know everything about your IT or cloud situation when you call us. We’re here to help answer your questions just as much as we want to know the answers to ours.

You’ll walk away with a greater understanding of your IT needs and, best of all, what the next step is toward fulfilling them. Even if you find you’re not ready right now, you’ll be empowered with invaluable knowledge you didn’t have before the Discovery Call.


Now that we have a better understanding of your business, it’s time for our engineering team to take all of that information and use it to work up a solution tailor-made for you. And in case you’re wondering just how custom our custom solutions really are, let us make it clear:

We don’t do cookie cutter solutions. Period.

Tailored solutions are baked into our foundation as a company. We believe you shouldn’t have to change to fit us. Instead, we design whatever is needed to fulfill the needs of your business.

Why Tailored Solutions Matter
Which would you prefer: an off-the-rack suit or a comparably priced suit tailor-made just for you? If you’re like most people, you’re probably going to choose the tailored option. Why? Because it’s going to fit you perfectly. Not just better. Perfectly.

In the same way, a tailored cloud solution hugs the contours of your business and allows it to show itself off at its best. No extraneous features. No missing pieces. Comparisons happen between “off-the-rack” and tailored solutions all the time, but in reality there is no comparison.

Tailored solutions are better. There. We said it.


At this point, we’ve both invested significant time working toward a solution. Now it’s time to review what we’ve designed. We want to walk you through each aspect of the solution to ensure that you grasp it all from the thousand mile high view down to the nitty gritty details.

We’ll go over:

  • What we chose
  • Why we chose it
  • What impact it will have
  • Our Predictable Cost Model (so you know exactly what you’ll be spending)

From this place of clear understanding you can either make a decision or take the information back to other stakeholders for further discussion.

Our Main Goal with the Solution Review Meeting
We want to know one thing: does our proposed solution actually solve your business challenges? We want to be your trusted IT partner – not just another service provider. It matters to us if what we’ve created really targets and resolves the issues you initially presented. If it doesn’t, we don’t want you to buy it.

No amount of money is worth investing into a proposed solution that doesn’t actually solve the problem. We’ll discuss in-depth how this solution works for you to ensure that what we’ve presented is truly what your company needs.


Once you are ready for us to launch the solution, we’ll schedule a Kickoff Call. This is where we’ll gather and double check all the details we need to ensure that we build your solution correctly.

We’ll have one of our engineers go over your current environment with you in terms of number of users, applications, file data, etc. This part of the call is pretty quick. Afterwards, we’ll switch gears to discuss the steps Infinitely Virtual will take to successfully complete your transition to your new cloud environment.

We’ll build out the steps of migration and discuss what will need to happen on the day of the cut over as well as any important timelines to note. You’ll also be able to ask any questions you have. Once everything is squared away, it’s time to officially start building your solution.


You get to sit back and relax while we do the heavy lifting. We’ll build your environment, load all apps, create permission and role hierarchies, and prepare for full data migration.

We’ll schedule your migration for Thursday or Friday. Once we know the information is there, we’ll do the Cut Over. After that has been successfully completed we’ll engage the onboarding process.

This is when you get to use your new system for the first time. We pride ourselves on proper and complete onboarding of you and your team, and you can expect that you’ll have an engineer on standby to ensure that everything is operating smoothly.


We’re not in the business of building and running. Building is never an exact science, and we want to monitor the solution closely to ensure that everything works together as perfectly as possible.

You’ll have the Help Desk at your disposal with any questions you may have. Once we see that all is well, you are officially good to go! You can enjoy your new enterprise-level cloud solution and breathe a huge sigh of relief that you are now officially out of an inadequate situation and partnered with a cloud company that truly cares about the needs of your business.

Don’t Stay Where You Can’t Thrive. Contact Infinitely Virtual Today for a Better Cloud Solution.

There are many cloud providers out there with similar products, but only Infinitely Virtual takes an enterprise-level approach to the unique needs of small and medium-sized businesses. Our 100% US-based team is here to answer your questions, learn more about you, and devise a plan that will help you make the switch to a better cloud solution.

Hop on a Discovery Call with us to speak to one of our seasoned professionals and gain valuable insights you can use to enhance your business today.