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Infinitely Virtual Completes Strategic Move of Backup Data Center from San Diego to Boston

Fast-Growing L.A Company Concludes Initial Migration; New Data Center Up and Running for East Coast Clients

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (March 25, 2013) – Infinitely Virtual, a leading provider of virtual server cloud computing services, today announced that it has completed the Phase One move of its backup data center from San Diego to Boston.

The data center, located at 70 Innerbelt Road in Somerville, complements the company’s primary data center in Los Angeles and marks a strategic expansion of Infinitely Virtual’s business. In May, the company will begin building a primary hosting facility in Boston, with plans to welcome customers by mid-summer.

Recently named by HostReview (http://bit.ly/ZhHYt7) as the fastest-growing provider in the hosting industry, Infinitely Virtual is dedicated to making virtualization accessible to small and midsize businesses.

“Our expansion to the East Coast reflects the market’s embrace of the Infrastructure-as-a-Service model,” said Adam Stern, Infinitely Virtual founder and CEO. “We’ve made it our mission to showcase the powerful economic rationale for small and midsize companies to get out of the business of buying and maintaining hardware that is obsolete even before it’s delivered. Instead, we’ve created products and services that ease and expedite the cloud migration process.”

In addition to Infinitely Virtual’s top ranking in the March HostReview, the publication recognized the company as among the Top 10 Best Dedicated Servers (http://bit.ly/12Mqs4r).

The recent awards follow release of the company’s 2013 forecast, in which Infinitely Virtual estimated revenue growth of 50 percent for the current calendar year. At the same time, the firm reported that revenues increased by more than 70 percent in 2012. Infinitely Virtual doubled in revenue from 2010 to 2011, with a return on investment of roughly 33 percent.

About Infinitely Virtual
Infinitely Virtual is a leading provider of high quality and affordable virtual server technology, capable of delivering services to any type of business, via terminal servers, SharePoint servers and SQL servers – all based on Virtual Dedicated Servers. The company was established as a subsidiary of Altay Corporation, and through this partnership, Infinitely Virtual provides customers with expert 24×7 technical support. With an innovative approach to virtualization – one that includes reliance on its IaaS and SaaS tools for its own operation — Infinitely Virtual provides aggressively priced options that competitors simply cannot meet. More information about Infinitely Virtual can be found at: http://www.infinitelyvirtual.com or call 866-257-8455.

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Media Contact:
Ken Greenberg
Edge Communications, Inc.