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Infinitely Virtual Teams with Remote Access Specialist TSplus International – A Signal Development for Those Who Use Terminal Server

Paving the way for an across-the-board enhancement of our Terminal Server product lines, we at Infinitely Virtual (www.infinitelyvirtual.com) are delighted to announce that we have teamed with Denver-based TSplus International (www.tsplus.net).

We’re now offering TSplus 7.3, the TSplus International flagship product, as an optional add-on for customers who wish to connect to a terminal server session. TSplus 7.3 includes HTML 5 support, universal print drivers and a battery of other features aimed at making remote access secure, seamless and speedy. As a bonus, TSplus is being released as an add-on to all products that include Terminal Server.

The takeaway? A better user experience across the board. You can now work from more devices more easily, with whatever browser you’re currently using; no downloads required. And TSplus 7.3 makes printing a snap.

TSplus International provides the easiest-to-use and most cost-effective tools available to assist small and midsize businesses in taking advantage of the ever-increasing power and economy of today’s computing hardware. This kind of remote access capability empowers users and organizations alike, and adding it to our product portfolio is yet another way that we’re working to make your online experience as hassle-free as possible.

Since 1996, TSplus International has specialized in remote-access technology, continuing to expand its experience and expertise in deployments of all sizes, up to 35,000 concurrent users. One of the company’s primary goals — ease-of-use – reflects its belief that even non-technical users should be able to deploy and execute existing applications remotely, without the need for armies of “experts” or expensive server-based architecture.

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It’s been a busy season for all of us at Infinitely Virtual, as we’ve taken our show on the road, meeting customers and prospects, and spreading the message of accessible, affordable virtualization. The action began in mid-May in San Juan, Puerto Rico, at PASBA’s Spring Marketing Conference. We’ve enjoyed a terrific relationship with PASBA, the Professional Association of Small Business Accountants. PASBA is passionate about small business, and so are we. PASBA was founded with the idea that accountants could strategically run their practices in a more efficient and client-focused way – an approach we embrace enthusiastically.

We’ll be out in force on June 2-3, at the California Accounting & Business Show and Conference at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles. Two weeks later, we’ll be off to San Antonio, for “Scaling New Heights,” in session at the JW Marriott from June 15-18. If you happen to be on hand at either event, please look us up. It would be great to see you.

Got a story to tell about your experience with Infinitely Virtual products and services? We’d love to hear from you.