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It’s Time to Get Over the Fear of Changing Cloud Providers

By Scott McDonald

This Article is for Frustrated Small and Medium Sized Business Leaders Who are Sick and Tired of Settling for Less When it Comes to Their Current Cloud Solution.

There’s a common misunderstanding among SMB leaders that a switch to a new cloud provider will be painful, time-consuming, and frustrating. Perhaps more frustrating than it’s worth.

However, if your current IT infrastructure solution has you struggling to continue to provide high-quality service to your users, you might consider this:

At some point the fear of staying the same has to outweigh the fear of making a change.

You shouldn’t sacrifice quality service for fear of a painful migration process. Especially not when there are painless solutions available to you.

Now, let’s call it out: sometimes switching cloud providers is a huge headache. You’re right. It can be.

But not when you choose the right partner.

Just like any relationship, your choice of partner makes every subsequent choice easier or harder. Pick the wrong partner, your life gets harder. Pick the right partner, and suddenly you’re not just making moves in a new direction, you’re excited about it.

The first step to getting over the fear of switching cloud providers is to find the right IT infrastructure company to partner with.

It’s easy to get bogged down in the ‘how’ before you’ve even answered the question of ‘who.’ But a better ‘who’ leads to an easier ‘how.’

So, don’t start by placing all your focus on the idea of migrating data, organizing a cloud switch, or the various pitfalls that can arise. Instead, put your efforts into finding the right cloud partner who will help you not only make an easy and painless change, but who will be a strong pillar of trusted support for you as your company continues to grow.

Of course, that’s easier said than done. In order to make a good choice, you first need to know exactly what makes for a high-quality cloud partner in the first place. You need to be aware of the red flags that alert you to the wrong choice. Most of all, you need to develop the confidence to discern the difference between a great cloud partner, and a great cloud partner for you.

You deserve a partner who is passionate about your business – and shows it.

That’s why at Infinitely Virtual, we offer tailored, enterprise-level cloud solutions for small to medium businesses with multiple features designed to support you at the highest level.

What are those features? Let’s break it down:

  • 100% Uptime Guarantee. We say 99.999999% doesn’t cut it. If we fail to meet our 100% uptime standard, you get compensated based on our SLA.
  • Free migration and free setup. We’re not here to nickel and dime you. We’re here to provide a comprehensive solution that puts your business in the best position to succeed.
  • A well-rounded solution that protects you from ransomware and other security threats.
  • Fully Managed Environments for any application or workload.
  • 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. Try your new solution with confidence knowing that we will fully migrate you off our platform if you are not satisfied.

We could go on. But we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves.

We understand that changing cloud providers is a big deal, even if you’re unhappy where you are. You need to be able to see a clear pathway out of your situation and into a better one before you can make such a major transition. That’s why every aspect of our 6-step process is designed to provide you with clarity in order to eliminate fear about leaving your subpar cloud solution behind.

We want you to step into a new solution with confidence.

In the next article, we’ll show you how it’s done. Stay tuned.