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Seeking to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint? Look to the Cloud (PART 1)

In advance of Earth Day 2013, many of us are thinking green. The information technology sector is both a huge consumer of energy and, increasingly, a smart advocate of ways that businesses can reduce their carbon footprint.

That’s especially the case when working with Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). No pun intended, but the cloud is proving to be far “greener” than traditional in-house data centers. This a real two-fer: by substantially reducing carbon dioxide emissions companies can cut energy costs and help clean up the planet. With cloud computing’s inherently smaller carbon footprint, the advantages for corporations working with CSPs are substantial on a number of levels. It’s now clear that businesses no longer need to own and operate their own IT infrastructure. With each passing year, more and more organizations are moving from managing in-house data centers to much more cost-effective, efficient and environmentally friendly cloud solutions.

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