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The Drill Down: Windows Cloud Hosting

The cloud is key to changing how educational institutions engage with their constituencies, partners, and employees in order to accomplish their objectives Windows cloud servers are designed to help schools and colleges take a key step toward greater agility, economics, and experiences both inside and outside the institution’s walls. The cloud presents an opportunity to fundamentally change how schools approach and deploy technology. Windows virtual servers, specifically, enable educational institutions to drive maximum productivity regardless of location or device. And that leads to higher user adoption and improved productivity with lower training costs.

The latest Windows cloud server offerings give schools access to the most up-to-date VPS and cloud server technologies without having to invest in new IT equipment and eliminating the time required for setting it up. Educational institutions can be up and running on a new server within minutes. It makes good sense to transition from on-premise computing solutions to Windows cloud hosting in order to save money on infrastructure and the accompanying man-hours needed to manage it.

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