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The Most Cost-Effective Cybersecurity Strategy for a Small Business

By Scott McDonald

Cybersecurity is an essential part of a company’s overall strategy, but what happens when the resources aren’t there to invest in a comprehensive plan? With both limited budgets and limited personnel, small businesses need to focus their cybersecurity strategy on immediate threats. That means mitigating such intrusions as phishing and malware infections. 

Here are five simple, cost-effective steps you can take to create a stronger cybersecurity strategy in your business. 

5 Steps to Protect Your Business – Without Blowing Your Budget

Step #1: Offer Additional Training

Given resource constraints, training end-users are typically Job #1. The most cost-effective cybersecurity strategy, therefore, often involves turning to paid and free courses online. These courses can be invaluable to ensuring that your team is up-to-date with best practices to lower the chances of a successful attack in the future.

Step #2: Build A Better Security Policy

Beyond free or affordable online training for your team, you need to create an effective security policy consisting of strong passwords, regular password changes, and two-factor authentication. That last item may prevent unauthorized access to confidential data, even if a user account is compromised. 

Step #3: Update your OS Regularly

Turn on the auto-update feature within the OS and in any apps. This way, you will be able to update consistently without having to take the time and energy to do so manually.

Step #4: Install Anti-Malware Software from a Reputable Vendor

If you don’t already have this type of software installed, or if you have found that your current vendor is not supporting you the way you need, make a change. Anti-Malware is crucial to the health of your business and will continue to be so year after year.

Step #5: Perform Backups

Perform regular backups to local media and to offsite storage (e.g., the cloud). Make certain to verify that backups were successful, and do regular test restores. 

By following these steps, any small business can achieve baseline cybersecurity.

Keep Your Small Business Safe with Infinitely Virtual
No matter your budget, we can tailor an IaaS solution to suit your needs. Our Enterprise Virtualization Environment (E.V.E.) offers world-class cybersecurity and gives you infinite scalability – without breaking the bank. Call a representative today at 1.866.257.8455 to learn more.