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The Secret Savior of the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Scott McDonald

The pandemic has disrupted every area of our lives. From business to healthcare, education to entertainment, we have had to change what we do and how we do it. For most of us the necessary transition has been uncomfortable, but possible -thanks to a lot of help from cloud computing.

We might not realize it, but whether we’re thriving or just surviving during these challenging times, one fact holds true: without cloud computing, this pandemic would have had far more disastrous consequences in business and in life.

While some companies had remote work capability baked into their disaster recovery plans, many businesses were shocked by the reality of having all their data and files locked in hardware in vacant office buildings where their staff couldn’t get to them. Much the same, schools who already had leveraged cloud-basedEdTech in some ways were able to flexibly transition faster than those who were shackled to in-person-only classes.

As coronavirus keeps many of us still sheltered in place, let’s take a look at how cloud computing has been an invaluable aid to us across multiple areas and industries.

CPA Firms

Firms that already utilized cloud computing in some way pre-pandemic have fared far better during this time than those who were completely tied to their in-office servers and computers. CPA firms who have adopted the cloud have seen business continue to flourish in relation to the efficiency of their IT infrastructure.

Thanks to the cloud, file-sharing and communication channels have remained easy and open through the use of virtual servers. Staff have been able to access and share data and documents from personal computers, tablets, and smartphones, no matter where they are. In addition, customer service remains intact through the use of online client portals. All of this is made possible through the use of cloud-hosted apps and virtual office capabilities.


Cloud computing has helped many hospitals and healthcare institutions digitize their data to optimize services and patient outcomes. Through the use of the cloud, doctors and nurses can easily conduct telemedicine appointments, securely access patient data, and update centralized electronic health records (EHRs).

Due to cloud adoption by healthcare facilities, practitioners have been able to face the pandemic with unparalleled efficiency as they are able to analyze relevant data with greater speed. Public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions all provide the storage, security, and compute power needed to ensure application uptime even with the increase in patient visits.


Over a billion children were forced home after rapid school closures across the world. Some districts chose to end the school year early, and some were able to employ e-learning technology. Similarly, university students had the rest of their school year cancelled, unless the institution was able to execute an online strategy to help the students complete their courses. In a world where standard education practices and exorbitant tuition fees have already been called into question, cloud computing has helped many families, students, and educators see that there might just be a better way. Education Technology is nothing new -but its global adoption certainly is. Language apps, video conferencing, online tutoring, and virtual education companies like Udemy,

Blackboard, and Coursera have all been leveraged to tend to the needs of learners of all ages.Without the help of cloud technology this would not have been possible, at least not to scale. Traditional web hosting does not have the bandwidth to support billions of online learners. In addition, certain online learning platforms(such as Zoom) that education institutions have utilized would not exist without their own cloud infrastructure.

Remote Work

Remote work has been an invaluable asset during the pandemic. While not all roles can be fulfilled remotely, positions in industries such as accounting, education, web development, digital marketing, copywriting, consultancy, engineering, and more have been able to continue due to the power of the cloud.

Early adopters of a comprehensive cloud solution found that their staff did not need to be tied to their desks to complete their work. The rise in teleworking applications and productivity tools has allowed entire companies to achieve business continuity with relative ease. This would not have been possible without the cloud.

Businesses who did not have cloud computing as an integral part of their IT infrastructure discovered during this pandemic just how invaluable it is. Moving forward, the vast majorities of companies plan to utilize cloud computing in some way, as it has become apparent that without the cloud, business just can’t thrive -or even survive -during a crisis.

Customer Service

Without any real possibility of face-to-face communication during this time, remote customer service departments have played a vital role in customer retention and satisfaction. While many call centers have had to shut down due to social distancing measures, the need for customer service departments has actually increased during the pandemic.

Cloud computing solutions have enabled companies to employ remote work protocols so that they can continue to handle the rise in customer call volumes with little interruption. The ability for customer service representatives to work from home has also allowed companies to hire more employees from a larger talent pool-an immense positive during a time when millions are out of work.


Cloud computing’s support of our daily lives extends even beyond our work and education. Applications like Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime are made possible through the power of the cloud. The increase in users all over the world would have crashed many of these platforms had it not been for the infinite scalability that virtual servers provide. Can you imagine our world during this time of crisis without the ability to play online games, watch streaming video, video chatfriends and family, or buy groceries online? What about all those who have filled their newfound free time with increased social media engagement or have started a streaming channel via Twitch or YouTube? All these benefits and more would be impossible without the cloud.

A Final Note from Infinitely Virtual

The truth is, nearly all of society is powered by the cloud in one way or another -and it’s going to stay that way. The rapid uptake in migration to the cloud across multiple industries has been accelerated by COVID-19, and will no doubt continue as more and more people realize how much they were already reliant on the cloud -and how much the world will be reliant on the cloud hereafter. Is cloud computing a magic button that makes everything perfect? No -but it does keep the world turning in times of crisis.

Ease Your Pain with Infinitely Virtual’s Powerful Cloud Technology

A pandemic is painful -but it’s far less painful with the right cloud solution in place. Cost-effective, efficient, and productive, the cloud might look like one of many options, but the recent shutdown has shown us that in 2020, cloud is the only real way to do business. Contact Infinitely Virtual today at 1.866.257.8455 to discuss how our tailored solutions can help your business thrive during this crisis and beyond.