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Today’s Real Estate Agents Cannot Live without Cloud Computing

In these demanding times, real estate agents are constantly working on the go: at an open house, showing a property, or signing papers at a title agency. Agents need a virtual network that can keep up with their mobile work life. More and more agents are using laptop computers and tablets such as Apple’s iPad to interface with the Internet and their virtual office network applications. In addition, agents with smart phones that run on Google’s Android operating system are becoming prevalent as well. It’s no longer a luxury for a virtual network to support mobile computing hardware and software, but a necessity. Agents must have access to applications and data on the road and in the office in order to stay competitive and productive.

With Cloud Hosting, an agent can run a variety of applications including MLS, Quickbooks, and Microsoft Office. For real estate agents, it is not enough to access these in the office anymore. Reports may be needed at an open house, when potential buyers ask data intensive questions. In this situation, running back to the office to access the network is not an option. The sale may depend on network data accessed immediately on site through mobile computing devices such as an iPad or Android supported smart phone.

Perhaps the most critical time for access to office networks is during an open house. Potential buyers will likely have questions that require access to the network. Financial information may be needed for the local housing market, detailed specifications on the house, and important tax related data as well. With a mobile computing supported virtual office network, all this information can be accessed immediately on site. With so many options in a buyers market, this can make the difference between closing a sale and losing a sale.

Mobile computing network services are not only important for working with buyers, but for working with home sellers as well. In today’s market, sellers have many options. Who will they choose to sell their home: the agent that offers to call back later or the agent with the iPad and all the answers right at their fingertips? Mobile access to the office network can make all the difference, especially with complex short sales or foreclosures.

In the fast paced real estate market, agents deserve 24/7 mobile access to their office networks. Whether working in the office or on the go, computer applications are needed more than ever to make the sale. And working on site with an iPad or Android equipped smart phone reduces the need for time in the office. Why not work where your sales are most likely to occur? By staying out of the office, yet still connected to the virtual office network, you have the best of both worlds: full access to the network including critical applications and data, and on site availability to contractors, inspectors, and your clients, the buyers and sellers.

When shopping for Cloud Hosting, remember mobile computing is not an option for agents. Make sure your network not only works for you in the office, but on site as well.